USD 394 Special BOE Meeting Recap

Info pulled from Superintendent Lambert's notes.

The USD#394 Board of Education convened a Special Board Meeting on July 24th at the District Office. With all board members present, the meeting began at 6 PM following the approval of the agenda, motioned by Roberts and seconded by Racchini.

Key Discussions and Presentations

The primary focus of the meeting was to review detailed information provided by Incite Design Studio, represented by architect Duane Cash, regarding the facility assessment. Financial expert Steve Shogren from Stifel Bond Service discussed potential funding mechanisms for any upcoming projects. Additionally, Ryan Rowley from Huron confirmed price estimates for these projects.

Facility Improvement Proposals

The board discussed several key areas for potential improvements, derived from a comprehensive facility assessment and various meetings with staff and the community. The proposed projects include:

  • Safe and Secure Entrances at all buildings

  • Storm Shelters with dual purposes such as classrooms, music rooms, weight rooms, wrestling rooms, and flexible learning spaces

  • Playground Surfaces

  • Theater Renovation

  • High School Renovations including classroom and hallway updates, Family and Consumer Science room renovations, and HVAC updates

  • Elementary Drop-Off Enhancements

  • New Softball Field with turf

  • Band/Soccer/Physical Education Practice Field with turf

  • Technology and Security Upgrades

Financial Considerations

The board noted that by November, the district’s bond debt would be approximately $11.8 million, a recent low. This financial position presents an opportunity: passing a bond issue would not increase the mill levy for the bond fund, but extend it. Currently, property owners with a $100,000 appraised value pay around $185 towards school bond debt. If a bond issue for around $20 million is approved, the mill levy would remain unchanged, but the debt's maturity would extend to 2040-2044.

Potential Bond Issue for November Ballot

The board deliberated on whether to place a bond issue on the November General Election ballot. Several members emphasized the need to ensure the bond issue would not exceed $20 million and would not alter the mill levy. They also stressed the importance of providing ample information to the public about the impact on taxes, student benefits, long-term facility needs, and staffing.

The meeting concluded at around 8 PM.